The alphabet begins at A and continues, jostling along until it wraps up right around Z.
An Ayatollah named Amanda Ammaker
Amasses armfuls of almonds almost arbitrarily
Bespoken for, broken, brittle, emboldened
Holding a whole fold of old mold and bourbon
In turbans, in the urban hub of Durban
Coco clodhop, clean a crusty cop's clock
A crackling crock of thoracic slop
Chippy crap shot chop shop
Dark and dandered dewdrops
Drip drowsily toward your end
Dopplegangers thud out drenched sound
All around and everywhere
Effervescent elderwine
Venerate the velvet line:
Helvetica, by svelt design
A hop, dip and a set.
- Marmalade Ruiz
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